How To Use A Dipstick

  • Check that the dipstick is safe to handle, i.e. it has no sharp edges, fractures or splinters.

    It is recommended that gloves are worn when handling the dipstick. These will prevent the smell of fuel on the hands and negate any allergic reaction that your skin may have to the fuel.

    Familiarise yourself with the volume units that the dipstick is marked in i.e. litres, gallons etc and with the number of volume units that the gap between the marked lines represent. Above the last (highest) engraved line is a figure indicating the full capacity of the tank. Just above that will be an indication of the units being used, usually litres. Above that is our reference number and above that again is a marking of the tank's Safe Working Capacity (SWC) which is 97% of the full capacity. Near this the dipstick may bear a tank maker's reference number, a tank number or an indication of the product in the tank. The tank you are dipping should bear a plate or engraving that corresponds to this.

    If you are in any doubt as to whether you are using the correct dipstick for the tank, contact us, quoting the reference number

    Finally, clean the dipstick with a lint free cloth. Use this cloth also to dry the dipstick if it has become wet due to rain.

  • Present the dipstick into the dipping tube. Do not drop the dipstick but lower it slowly. Dropping the dipstick into the tank will damage the tank and the dipstick.

    Remove the dipstick until the interface between wet and dry areas is apparent. Note the reading, estimating the distance from the last wet engraved line to the one above it. For example, if the wet line is 800 litres, the dry line is 1000 litres and you estimate the liquid level to be 3/4 of the way between them then the reading is 800 + 3/4 of 200 = 950. Dry the dipstick in that area and check the accuracy of the reading by taking a second one.

    If you are taking a reading after a delivery has been received then you must allow 15 minutes after the delivery is completed before taking a reading to let the fuel level settle.

  • If you intend to keep the dipstick in the tank then lower the dipstick back in to the tube and replace the cap. If it is to be kept separately then remove it, wiping it with the cloth as you go and store it in a place that will protect it from damage. (ideally lying flat and supported along its length)

Don't Drop The Dipstick!

Lower it slowly in to prevent damage to the base of the tank

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