Below are answers to many of the questions asked by our customers. They range from what our dipsticks are made of to how we perform the volume calculations.
Our dipsticks are manufactured from a custom GRP mixture, this is then extruded in to T section lengths. This results in dipsticks that are durable yet flexible making them easy to use and long lasting.
During the GRP manufacturing process special additives are inserted in to the mixture to ensure the resultant material conforms to all
BSI regulations pertaining to the use of equipment in liquid fuel environments. In particular, BSI 4512:2000 - Equipment for measurement of liquid levels in storage tanks. Manual methods
We provide dipsticks to suit all applications ranging from a 208 litre (46 gal) standard oil drum up to the largest vertical cylindrical above ground tank. However, above 5m dipsticks tend to become unwieldy, for lengths above this our 10m or even 20m
dip tapes are ideally suited.
Whilst the calculations for rectangular and flat ended cylindrical tanks are relatively straight forward, albeit somewhat lengthy, the calculations for a horizontal dished end tank are much more complex as the tank is changing shape in length as well
as width as you change height. However, our storage tank calibration program is able to accurate determine these changing dimensions and compute the resultant volume. It can even take in to account features of a
real-worl manufactured tank such as knuckle radius and tilt.
Yes! Our software can accurately calibrate a tank that is tilted. Many tanks are purposely placed on a tilt to enable any sediment to fall to one end whilst fuel is drawn from the other. For a tilted tank, it's not only the tilt (or fall) measurement
that is important but also the position that the dip reading is taken or sensor is placed.
Our strapping tables tabulate volumes against a known height. Having taken a dip of the tank you then refer to the table and, using the depth of fluid that you have read from the dip you can easily read off the volume from the strapping table.
Many of our customers ask us to convert an old Gallons dipstick in to one marked in Litres. If we know the dimensions of the tank then it's simply a case of recalculating the tank volumes in the new units. If all we have to go on is the old dipstick then
we can use a customer provided rubbing of the dipstick as the basis for our recalibration. We can even assess the accuracy of the original rod and improve on it!
We supply to private industry,the public sector and domestic users throughout the UK; anyone who is involved in the manufacture, servicing or end use of liquid storage tanks. Including: tank manufacturers and suppliers, transport and logistics firms,
the aviation industry, garage forecourts, service stations, farms and the agricultural industry.
Our dipsticks and dip tapes can be used for a wide range of applications including: oil, diesel (DERV), petrol, gas oil, kerosene, coolant and waste water.